Tag: Profession

Salary versus Hourly Wages

I’ve heard this argument before. Teachers shouldn’t complain about having to work extra hours to get their work done. Other professionals get paid to get their job done whether they work a 60 hour week or a 100 hour week. Some of them work endless hours when getting a project done. So why do teachers …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2016/05/03/salary-versus-hourly-wages/

HW and Trust

Thinking about homework again I’ve heard some of the reasons for giving homework and it boils down to trust. It seems, by the way some teachers talk, that they don’t trust that parents are properly preparing their children. Some teachers worry that parents don’t read to their kids or don’t encourage their kids to read …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2013/01/06/hw-and-trust/

RSCON3 Was Sooooo Cool!

For me it’s the middle of summer (a little past middle so middle-ish). How cool is it in the middle-ish of summer to get to choose from a bunch of great sessions taught by incredible people from whom I learn so much? Very cool. How cool is it to do that online, without having to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2011/08/05/rscon3-was-sooooo-cool/

Assessment for Learning (AfL)

Assessment is the latest educational buzz topic. As is customary in a profession in order to become proficient at something we must take it out of the realm of hit or miss and become mindful of what we do so that we can put into effect what needs to be done when it needs to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2010/07/10/assessment_for_learning/