Tag: Own Pace

What Am I Missing Here?

I need a fresh perspective on something I’ve been struggling with this school year. My reason for gamifying my courses was to motivate and engage more of my students whether they are gamers or not. Last week I reiterated something in blog post that I’ve learned in over 22 years of teaching, that no ONE …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2014/03/25/what-am-i-missing-here/

Tech Vision

Our District Tech Committee, of what I am part, was tasked with developing a Tech Vision Statement to determine what our next steps with technology will be. Our school board members have been attending conferences where 1:1 iPad programs were shared and they want to know if that or something that can and should be …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2013/02/22/tech-vision/

Gamifying My Classes

I’m taking the leap and am going to try it out. I finished reading The Multiplayer Classroom by Lee Sheldon and I was able to start mapping out how I can gamify my classes. After two and half years of teaching completely gradeless I have found that I still haven’t managed to engage all my …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2012/07/16/gamifying-my-classes/

Student Engagement

Student work.

I think about student engagement, what we call on-task behavior, a lot. All the time it seems. I’ve written a few blogs on the subject. I wrote What is On Task back in April of 2011, I wrote How Much Socializing Can You Put Up With on August of 2011, I wrote, I’m Bored, So …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2012/03/12/student-engagement/

I’m bored. So what?

I think about things like keeping students engaged. I wonder about helping students stay on task and having in class socializing focused on the content we are learning. I wonder about asking 28 individuals to conform so that we can get along and learn in a small space. I try to be open to new …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2011/10/03/im-bored-so-what/