Tag: Cha Cha

Quick Inquiry Field Trip

A colleague of mine, Kit Pennell, gave me a great idea. I am teaching two 8th grade life science classes and I’ve been looking for opportunities to get my students to generate questions they are interested in learning about. Luckily we have a nice park within walking distance of the school and it even has …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2011/02/25/quick-inquiry-field-trip/

Whiteboarding in Science

Even after almost convincing my 8th graders that air had no mass I still moved them forward and hope that they remember all the different gasses that make up our air and how each gas has an atomic weight, which would lead to the reasonable connection that air does have mass. It is, after all, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2011/01/28/whiteboarding-in-science/