Category: Grades & HW

These are blogs where I write about grades and homework in an effort to challenge the traditional use of the two.

Awards, Grades and Competition

I’ve been reading some great blogs and comments challenging some of schools most treasured traditions. Within my classroom and with the support of my principal I was able to abolish grades in an effort to support student learning. I try to foster cooperation in my classes because we are, after all, learning the same things. …

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Reflections of 2009-10

Mr. G's sample progress report for standards based reporting.

This year I taught three 6th grade Science classes, which means I had all 90 of my middle school’s 6th graders, and two 7/8 mixed Earth Science classes. Being able to teach 7th and 8th grade Science is wonderful because that means that I get to have some of my former 6th grade students again! …

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