What Does Good Teaching Look Like?

I’m looking for help from my incredible PLN. My district’s tech committee has been meeting this year and we’re looking to revamp our technology vision and mission. One thing that has come up at these tech meetings is that before we can decide what direction to take with tech we need to define how we want to teach or how we want to help our student’s learn. I’ve been reading so much conversation from the people I follow on Twitter on just those topics that I’m asking for their help. I’ve started a Google Doc where anyone can add ideas they have of good teaching. I’m leaving that very open because I want all sorts of ideas.

So before we even start to talk about how to use technology in our schools we need to figure out what teaching and learning should look like. Please add your ideas to the following Google Doc.

Thank you!

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2011/02/06/what-does-good-teaching-look-like/