Salmon Life Cycle Webquest
Salmon Graphic

Borrowed From
Highland Park Elementary
Modified by Cooper Elementary School

Task | Process |Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion


In order to be a good Salmon Steward you will need to learn and understand the life cycle of salmon and what kind of environment they need to survive. You will also need to know what kinds of hazards threaten salmon survival.

Finally, you will need to create a salmon fact book to teach others the things you have learned. This will help others protect salmon as well.

The Task

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Your task has many important parts:

  • Research the salmon life cycle.
  • Research its environment.
  • Research the things that threaten salmon survival.
  • Organize your research in your Science Notebook using Book Creator.
  • Draw illustrations in your Book Creator Science Notebook.

The Process
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You will do your research via this salmon webquest and you will complete your own fact book in your own Science Book Creator Notebook.

1.        First you will use the resource section to research, read and learn about the different stages of the salmon life cycle.

2.        You must research and take notes that include four parts on each stage of the life cycle:

Part 1: Name of life cycle stage and describe each stage.

Part 2: Explain the needs the salmon have at each stage of the life cycle.

Part 3: Explain the hazards that threaten the salmon at each stage in the life cycle.

Part 4: Draw the salmon at that stage of their life cycle.

Bonus: If you include other interesting facts.

Finally: Answer the question, why are salmon important to us?

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Internet websites to read and collect information from:


Egg Stage

Alevin Stage
Fry Stage
Smolt or Fingerling Stage
Sea-Run Adult Stage
Spawner Stage




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This is the rubric your teacher will use to grade your fact book.












First Stage -- Egg


Only one part of the egg stage are included.

Only two parts of the egg stage are included.

All three required parts of the egg stage are included.

All three required parts of the egg stage are included, plus you included bonus information.



Second Stage -- Alevin



Only one part of the alvein stage are included.

Only two parts of the alevin stage are included.

All three required parts of the alevin stage are included.

All three required parts of the alevin stage are included, plus you included bonus information.



Third Stage -- Fry



Only one part of the fry stage are included.

Only two parts of the fry stage are included.

All three required parts of the fry stage are included.

All three required parts of the fry stage are included, plus you included bonus information.



Fourth Stage -- Smolt


Only one part of the smolt stage are included.

Only two parts of the smolt stage are included.

All three required parts of the smolt stage are included.

All three required parts of the smolt stage are included, plus you included bonus information.


stage – Sea-Run Adult

Only one part of the sea-run adult stage are included.

Only two parts of the sea-run adult stage are included.

All three required parts of the sea-run adult stage are included.

All three required parts of the sea-run adult stage are included, plus you included bonus information.


Sixth Stage -- Spawner

Only one part of the spawner stage are included.

Only two parts of the spawner stage are included.

All three required parts of the spawner stage are included.

All three required parts of the spawner stage are included, plus you included bonus information.




There are many spelling and grammar mistakes that make your information hard to understand.

There are several spelling or grammar mistakes.

Almost all the spelling and grammar is correct.

All the spelling and grammar is correct.





Some illustrations were not included.

Illustrations are not neat and lack detail specific to the life cycle.

Illustrations are neat and the show the how each stage of the life cycle is different.

Illustrations are extremely neat and are labeled to show the differences in each stage of the life cycle and have color.



By completing this Webquest you will learn about the salmon life cycle and how to help the salmon population in our area. You have become a Salmon Steward.

Last updated on November 16th 2010 (Mr. G)

Based on a template from The WebQuest Page